The flood Group

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Education and the Black Community:

Our Newsletters!

In our newsletters, you will see some of our star students doing their part by doing their best in school. We do our best to make sure that this star quality gets noticed!

  Flood Group Newsletter Vol 1

  Flood Group Newsletter Vol 2

  Flood Group Newsletter Vol 3

  Flood Group Newsletter Vol 4

  Flood Group Newsletter Vol 5

"A conversation with Rev. Marion B Robinson" By Lillian L. Thompson"

Reverend Marion Robinson is one of the founders of recently formed Wake County Community Education Committee now known as The Flood Group. Rev. Marion Robinson is one of the founders of the recently formed (one year old) Wake County Community Education Committee [WCCEC/The Flood Group]. We sat down in his church office filled with historical photos and memorabilia on walls and bookcases, where our conversation covered his upbringing, parenting approach, and community involvement. We explored the black community's historical attitude toward education, his perspective on churches role in a time of Brown vs the Board of Education (a ruling that integrated our schools nationally), he spoke on the new roles and old rules for young parents in educating our children, and experience with the Wake County School Board. He summarized his vision as components as necessary to successfully develop well educated children ready for the global economy.

His Upbringing

Marion Robinson is the product of segregated schools. His first comment "we must do for ourselves". He recalled his mother directing him away from his sister's teacher to another first year teacher who lived next door. She had a positive and great influence on his educational development from the first to the sixth grade. His quoted, as if yesterday, 'that lady drilled everything into me.' Back then, our parents entrusted their children to the school system for care, development and correction if need be.

His Parenting Approach

Marion was very involved with his children's education. He pointed out a time when he used a 5-minutes drive to school to give them words of advice: (1) be good (2) be smart and (3) be competitive. Everyday after school he encouraged conversation with his children on 'what happened at school'. Their talks would determine who he would see at school the next day! He handled any misunderstanding, or abuse, that may have affected his children's learning experiences.

His Community Involvement

Marion gained knowledge about the education system through his involvement with former School Board member Harriet B. Webster on her Task Force for Student Success, Inc. After reading a series of articles in November of 1999 about the educational gaps of black children in the local school system, Marion concluded "we have to do more". Inspired he helped form a a collaborative body of mostly retired teachers willing to offer their talent to address ensuring quality educational experiences for all children. He also noted that the responsibility lies with parents and their capacity to prepare children for life.

His View on Young Parents

We spoke about obvious challenges of young parents who may not have been grounded in their history to appreciate what it takes to prepare a child for success in a global economy. He commented that when it comes to rearing children, basic skills like respecting self and others, acknowledging people 'when you pass them by' are behaviors that make sense at school, with teachers, and elders who may have your welfare at heart.